Sunday, July 13, 2008

Exploring the Games in the World of the MMORPG Genre

We all know about the video game console wars that are going on but did you forget about the domination the MMORPG has on the video game market? The heavy weight of the MMORPG gaming division, World of Warcraft, boasts a list of users of in the millions of fans around the globe. Thats just one game. Now multiply that by a hundred or so for the other games out there and it is easy to see why MMORPGs have become the most played games in the world.

The term MMORPG is short for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. What makes these games different from all others is the way the game is played. They consist of a constant world for hundreds to thousands of gamers to all play at the same time and interact with one another. There is a running fee of $10 to $15 per month on top of any price that you paid for the actual game. Here are the top five MMORPG game available:

  • World of Warcraft ?When it comes to the genre of MMORPG there is Blizzard Entertainments World of Warcraft and then there is everyone else. It is hands down the most popular and best operating game in this style. It does this through a combination of exceptional artistry, paced gameplay, an engaging and always expanding world, and an interface system like no other.
  • EverQuest II ?If it wasnt for people playing Everquest, then there probably wouldnt be a genre of MMORPG video games. As you can imagine, Everquest II had some pretty big shoes to fill and it did so plus much more. Lets go over the reasons why games simply love this game. First off the graphics are exceptional, the extensive use of voiceovers is perfectly worked into the gameplay, character creation is easy yet extensive, and the combat system is better than anything else out there.
  • Final Fantasy XI ?Unless youve been living in a cave for the past twenty years, then Im sure you are aware than there is a video game series called Final Fantasy and its kind of a big deal. Now, the series most known for consoles has expanded into a MMORPG. The gameplay is set around three powerful nations protecting the world of Vana'diel from enemies of hostile beastmen. The thing that makes this different from the rest of the game so this list is that it is the first MMO that allows PS2, Xbox 360, and PC users too all play in the same universe.
  • Vanguard: Saga of Heroes ?This game offers gamers like you and me a seemingly huge and endless world with elaborate crafting of players skill such as a much hyped diplomacy system with which you can sway NPCs. Vanguard isnt for the faint of heart since it is a demanding game in comparison to many other MMORPGs, both in terms of hardware requirements and time requirements. The gameplay holds a considerable amount of depth, and is an ambitious project for a gamer to challenge.
  • EverQuest ?No matter where the genre of MMORPGs develops from here, there will always be a special place in the hearts of gamer for EverQuest. It was the first of its kind to be played in 3D game to take hold in the US. Even to this day it still commands a very large player base, and some say has more content than any of its competitors. It takes place in a mythical realm full halflings, ogres, healers, necromancers, and monsters, featuring a remarkable level of character specialization.

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Making Sense of Broadband Packages

'Broadband' can seem like a totally different language - MAC codes, line speed, capacity, routers, modems, LAN, WAN - does anyone really understand what all these mean? Unfortunately, this is an area of heavy jargon and it's important that you are able to come to terms with these factors in order to understand when you're getting a good deal, and to assist you in making your broadband package selection. Additionally, the contract terms offered by some broadband providers are in themselves equally confusing, and making sense of what's going on can be a tricky process. So what should you look for in selecting a broadband package, and what does it all mean?

Well, luckily for you you don't really have to understand what they all mean. But you do have to have a rudimentary knowledge of what you can expect. The most common base line is maximum speed, which will be expressed as KBPS, or kilobytes per second. Alternatively, it's just cited as being '2 meg' or '8 meg', as in 'megabytes per second'. Whilst the speed you choose will depend on what you use your broadband for, it will also turn on the quality of your broadband access and some local areas are physically incapable of receiving some faster speeds as a result of their current infrastructures. That said, bear in mind when you're buying an expensive package to investigate whether or not you can actually receive the full benefits of your contract.

Another common thing that is a feature of broadband packages is router inclusion. Many providers run special promotions that give away routers in order to encourage sign up. What many customers don't realize is that routers are essential components of the broadband setup if you intend to use more than one computer on that package, and thus it may actually prove to be a good value proposition if you can get a router thrown in for no extra cost.

Where this is an issue, just be sure that you understand the terms of the contract you're getting into. Some providers have contracts on a rolling monthly basis which can be good for students or for those that move a great deal for business reasons. However the vast majority look to tie down customers for twelve or even eighteen months at a time, with heavy 'get-out' penalties which can be quite restrictive. What that means is that you have to take care to ensure you end up choosing the right provider to begin with to avoid encountering any problems with long contract terms.

Broadband packages can present the opportunity for good value for money. Whether you are a consumer or a business, it's a crucial service in modern life and understanding what it is you require is half the battle in getting on your way to a bargain. By understanding both the technical aspects of the package as well as the terms and conditions of the contract to which you are agreeing, you can be fully prepared for any nasty surprises that happen to arise later down the line.

For more information and advice on making sense of broadband packages and the pitfalls of unlimited broadband, as well as advice on wireless security.

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